Principal Teacher/Pedagogical Advisor
Olga Mirza received her ballet education at the Belarusian State Choreographic College. One year before the graduation she had been invited to the Belarusian State Academic Musical Theatre, where she worked as a classical dancer and as a soloist of character dance.
Olga finished Bolshoi Ballet Academy with an Honor degrees (2017 – bachelor, 2019 – master) as a ballet teacher and choreographer, where she has been working at the Department of character, historical and modern dance since 2014. Two years later Olga started lecturing “Methodic of teaching choreography” and “Methodic of teaching historical dance” at the university of the Bolshoi at the Faculty of ballet pedagogy, in 2018 she has become a head (senior) teacher at the Faculty of Supplementary education. From that period she constantly leads the Teacher’s training course as a main teacher and an academic adviser.
During the whole period of work Olga has been in charge of elaboration the educational ballet programs with leading professors of the Academy and from 2017 made her own 8 copyright programs.
From 2019 Olga continues her education at Post-graduate studies and writes PhD thesis about Pre-professional ballet education. Olga Mirza conducts master-classes and seminars in Russia and abroad (for 2020 it will be more than hundreds), engages in scientific work and publishes articles on the art of choreography.
Ms Olga is an experienced teacher of conducting online ballet classes and providing distance education, including lectures and seminars for Teacher’s training course and Refresher programs.
During the work at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy Olga has been a member of the Selection committee, which has to choose talented children for doing ballet professionally at the Academy. As a specialized teacher of Pre-professional and Preparatory ballet education she has prepared a lot of pupils, whom successfully train at leading professional ballet schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Novosibirsk and Minsk.
In 2018 and in 2019 Olga Mirza received Gratitudes from the Parliament and personally from the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tuva for the contribution and development choreographic art.